
Yakiniku Restaurant Kikukawa branch

30 sec working distance from Train station

"Gyubou Kikukawa-branch" is located at the intersection of Shin-Ohashi-dori and Mitsume-dori. In addition, the location is very closed to the Kikukawa-Train station (Toei Shinjuku Line). There are many type of tables like private room and table seats in the restaurant. You can use this place to stay with your family and friends after work.

High-Quality & Cost-Performance

You can enjoy high-quality Japanese beef with low price. If you grill both sides of popular Kuroge Wagyu beef loin, it will be very delicious ! Enjoy this very Yummy Japanese-Yakiniku !!

Loved by Sumida residents

It is a restaurant where everyone can enjoy talking with very friendly staffs about anything. If you want to know more about around Sumida-word or even about Japan, Ask staff !





Review & Reputation

Various type of drinks
We landed all the way to Kikukawa ! I can say that it is almost directly connected to the train station from the A2 exit ! Very good location near the station !

Yakiniku restaurant with the best cost performance
Quality of beef is depending on the day, so you should ask shop staff for recommendations. Hormons are so good quality. If you ask store staff for assortment, they will arrange special beef dish only for you. My favorite is the upper loin. The ribs are Japanese beef ribs and have enough fat ^ ^

Anyway cost performance is perfect, taste is also perfect. Thank you very much ^_^
Briar Rose
Thank you very much!!
I visited this Yakiniku restaurant that I had been interested in for a long time.

I took a seat and looked at the menu, and ordered special tongue salt, tanmoto, wagyu beef steak, and special marbled ribs.

In addition to Yakiniku, there are also Korean bibim noodles and Jang noodles. There are many kind of foods on the menu.

For drinks, I ordered a beer which is perfect matching with Yakiniku.

It was so delicious. Thank you for the meal!!
A restaurant located 0 min work distance from Morishita station。。。

The atmosphere is very at home. I was living in Kiba at the time, so I went there once a month (^.^)

The good point is 。。。
Cost-performance is so good ! There are not so many rare parts that are popular now, but you can eat high-quality yakiniku such as ordinary meat, ribs, loin, and tongue at a low price (^_^)

Wherever I go to this Yakiniku restaurant, I always have something I have to eat which is 。。。

Namul of bean sprouts ! I luv bean sprouts so much like even I can order only bean sprouts as an assorted namul !!

The namul here is pretty good (^_^)


Walk:30 seconds walk from Kikukawa Station on the Toei Shinjuku Line
Car:Intersection of Shin-Ohashi-dori and Mitsume-dori

Business hour

Monday ~ Friday:17:00~24:00 (L.O 23:00)
Weekend and Public Holiday:16:00~24:00 (L.O 23:00)

Close day:None
Phone number:03-3633-1561
  • Address
    〒 130-0024
    2-5-10 Kikugawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

  •  Access
    Intersection of Shin-Ohashi-dori and Mitsume-dori
  • Business hour
    Mon~Sun: 17:00~24:00 (L.O. 23:00)
    Weekend & public holiday: 16:00~24:00 (L.O. 23:00)
  • Close day:None